18 different pieces of furniture MIRA HOME
- Auction:
- Warehouse Auction
- Lot:
- A3-23923-4012
- Lokeren, BE
Collection on fixed days
- Current bid
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About this lot
18 various pieces of furniture MIRA HOME consisting of dressing table/make-up table with size approx: 80x40x132cm, stainless steel garden chair with size approx: 180x60x39cm, industrial cupboard with size approx: 100x33x80cm, 5x clothes rack on wheels with size approx: 100x49x163cm, 2x wardrobe rack with bench and shoe rack with size approx: 72x33x183cm and 100x40x186cm, side table/bedside table with size approx: 60x35x61cm, scratching post in wood with size approx: 57x50x140cm, coat rack/coat hanger with size approx: 33x84x183cm, medicine cabinet in MDF with size approx: 60x20x70cm, 2x wall shelf brown with size approx: 10x38x5cm
- Remarks:
- Concerning returned goods, lying on 1 pallet
- Auction:
- Warehouse Auction
- Lot number:
- A3-23923-4012
- Location:
- Lokeren, BE
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- No
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During the collection day, a forklift truck is available at the location, which can be used free of charge by a certified driver and at your own risk. The maximum lifting capacity is 1.5 tonnes. In addition, waiting times may occur.