Dressing black closed - Kitchen part
- Auction:
- Showroom kitchens
- Lot:
- A3-25156-56
- Ans, BE
Collection by appointment
- Current bid
- Status
Activate Auto-bid
About this lot
C'est un dressing aux portes coulissantes noires chênes et une porte miroir.
Hauthor: 2.40m
Conveyor door: 63 cm
Largeur: 2.82 cm
Interior aménagement : range chaussure, porte pantalon, étagères, tringles ( 75 cm et 38 cm )
- Auction:
- Showroom kitchens
- Lot number:
- A3-25156-56
- Location:
- Ans, BE
- Sold by:
- Company seller
Lot specifications
- Quantity
- 1
- Margin
- No
- Product type
- Dressing black closed
Attention please!
Loten 100 tem 103 - 3811 werden offline gehaald.